Thursday, August 26, 2010

High Expectation

"To be the good one among the good"
It needs a lot of effort.

Had a high expectation for next year : get into college.
Semoga dapet universitas dan jurusan yang dimau yaa amiiin. Semoga pilihan gue nanti gak salah ya Allah :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pendakian Gn. Sumbing (3371 mdpl)

Last school holiday in July (4-8 Juli 2010), I went climbing mountain (this is my 4th Summit!) with my junior at Moonpala. This event called "Pengembaraan", one of year's program from BPH. My junior here (they are 11th grader) must climb a mountain over 3000 meter above sea level so they can join Moonpala as a "full" member. They chose Mount Sumbing as their destination instead of Mount Gede-Pangrango (which is closer and "easier") because there was a new rules in TNGP (Taman Nasional Gede-Pangrango) that obliged us to hire a guide that cost over Rp 300.000,- (Tapi peraturan ini udah gak berlaku lagi kok sekarang, thanks to the PA who demonstrated back there).

So, Mount Sumbing is located on Garung Village, Wonosobo, Central Java. Mount Sumbing is the 2nd highest mountain in Central Java and located just next to Mount Sindoro (which I  have climbed last March :D). The total member that join this climb is 20 person - 18 from school and 2 are alumni.

Personally, this was the most enjoyable and happiest climb for me lol. Even it was the most difficult track since I first climb a mountain but I just love it. The scenery, the stone, the climb, the summit, all of them. I took almost 400 shots there :D These are some pictures that I took (sorry if it's too much)

BPH MPL 10. Aiph, Me, Dini, Qori, Djody, Abun and Rafly (without Mayor)

Amud angkatan 11 beserta pengantar.

Arrived at Garung Village. Photos above are Mount Sindoro.

We started the climb after Dzuhur, about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. We reached base two around 5 p.m where we planned to set the tent and sleep here for the night.

"The green troop" taking a rest.

Hutan Pinus Merah! It was the first time I saw the red pine and I was so excited lol. 
And you know what, it just one side of the tree that face the sunlight who get the red colour.

Next day, we continue our climb at 7 in the morning. Ratu, Obeng, and Babab waited us at the camp (they've been to the summit before) so we could climb without our carrier! Just few bacpacks stuffed with important things and don't forget to bring camera!
The sky was so clear and the sun shone brightly. We got a clear view of Mount Sindoro which is very gorgeous. I really enjoyed the road to summit, the tired feeling wasn't affected me at all :) And finally we reached the top of Mount Sumbing around 2 p.m \(^.^)/



Mount Sindoro and the clear blue sky <3

Floating cute clouds.

Top of Mount Sindoro. Hey I was there few months ago! Do you believe it?

Sampai di Pos Pasar Setan. "Tuh liat gak? Itu Puncaknya" kata Tujo sambil nunjuk :P

Do you see the small U-curved hill back there? It's the Summit, yes.
It takes about 4-5 more hours to get there from Pasar Setan.

What I love from this mountain : the beautiful scoopy hill *just like in LOTR movies :P

Favourite climb! Asoy!

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Edelweiss :)

Taking a rest in Pos Watu Kotak.

Just three more "wohoo" climb from here to the summit :D

Dini on the road to the summit.



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Smoke from the crater.

The highest point of Mount Sumbing.

The wide gorgeous blue sky and clouds <3

MPL-10 at Mount Sumbing.




Big thanks to Tujo and Telot to guide us all safely :)

Oh yeah one member from angkatan 11 couldn't reach the summit together with us, he said he was toooo tired to continue, so he waited us at Watu Kotak. Too bad! I bet it was because of his big body and weight, but if he does have a big spirit, his big body is not a big problem you know :)
We walked down at 3 p.m and again the afternoon scenery was so beautiful, it was a dreamland. I reached the camp at 8 p.m while others at 6 p.m before or 9 p.m after I arrived. Oh how I hate walking down at night!


Sindoro, awan, dan bukit-bukit Sumbing.


All of us was waiting for a turn to get a picture like this lol. I pick this one as my favourite. 
FYI, it's Djody *no offense.



The "nuclear-blast" cloud.

Orange ray of light.

Imaginary land <3



Mount Sindoro at sunset. Last goodbye before the sun goes down.

So that was our climb to Mount Sumbing. A nice, full of spirit holiday. A relieving after months of preparing and problems here and there, but finally we reached it :) Big big thanks to God.

We slept one more night at base two and walked down to basecamp the next morning. As usual, when walking down the mountain, my knee is weak :P It takes more strenght to walk down than to climb for me. But it was a record for me here in Mount Sumbing, when we were walking down, I overlapped 4 people! Not a big deal, but my friends said that it was a good progress for me haha (they were expecting me to be the last -____-) Always a big thanks to Djody who always accompanied me when walking down (patiently) ;p

We all reached the basecamp before noon and took a rest there. We took a bath, ate fried rice, and packed our stuff. At 2.30 p.m we headed to Wonosobo Bus Station and got the bus to Jakarta at 5 p.m. We arrived at Lebak Bulus Bus Station around 5 in the morning. My feet got "puffy" again so I decided to ride a taxi with Aiph and Hans. Got home at 6 a.m. What a great trip :D

For more photos click here and here. Thank you :)
P.S sorry for the bad grammar :P

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pengen Banget ke Semeru!

Iri banget guee haha karena acara itu yang ngadain adalah alumni dan yaa tanggalnya itu lho : KBM aktif sekolah -_-
Walhasil kalau gue mau ikut yaa gak masuk sekolah 1 minggu daan ya mana dibolehin sama orangtua. Dan Djody, satu-satunya yang ikut dari sekolah, nekat gak masuk satu minggu hemm. Dia izin ke wali kelasnya dengan jujur : naik gunung. Alhamdulillah semua pulang dengan selamat yaa.
Alumni-alumni berangkat : iri 30%
Angkatan 9 ngikut : iri 70%
The one and only angkatan 10 ngikut (Read : Djody!) : iri 97%

Tim Moonpala dkk (ada dari Univ. Moestopo, Untirta dll) di Puncak Semeru 3676 mdpl. 
Liat tuh si Djody yang paling tinggi di tengah T-T.

Sekarang gue udah kelas 3, harus fokus ke UN dan yang lebih utama lagi PTN. Maybe next year yaa, Semeru! :D

Tanggal 2-9 Agustus 2010 kemaren tim Moonpala dkk telah berhasil mendaki Puncak Semeru \(^.^)/

Bulan Ramadhan Tiba \(^.^)/

Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan. Akhirnya udah bulan puasa lagi aja yaa. Dan gue gak bisa taraweh dan puasa di hari pertama ini :( Semoga ibadah kita bisa lebih baik lagi di Ramadhan tahun ini, amiin. Gak sabar mau ke Jogja! :P

"Bulan Ramadhan penuh berkah tiba :D Selamat berpuasa.
Maaf ya kalau saya punya salah dan ingetin ya kalau saya ada utang hehe"